Pallet Shuttles

Convert space into business

Maximum use of storage space

It doesn’t make sense to store high inventory items in storage racking designed for low inventory items. Radioshuttle, sometimes known as a pallet runner, stores more pallets and moves them faster through a warehouse than traditional storage methods. Our semi-autonomous storage is designed to maximize cubic space and increase operator efficiency (and safety), without sacrificing flexibility.



Safe, strong reliable components



Efficient in all temperature zones

Storage efficiency

Storage efficiency

High density – up to 100% more storage space

Increased productivity

Increased productivity

Moves pallets at over twice the speed


• Compatible with FIFO and FILO workflow
• Strong enough for pallet loads up to 3900 lbs
• Automatic “no touch” detection system
• Light/sound warning system
• Real-time information display
• Efficient in all temperature zones

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• Fewer truck aisles and increased storage volume
• Reduce product damage with careful movement to exact location
• Moves pallets at over twice the speed
• 50% higher capacity on each forklift. Your staff can focus on other tasks
• Standardized interface to all major WMS
• Choose either lead acid (maintenance free) or LiFe batteries

View interactive Radioshuttle brochure

Charging Station

Extend battery life and maintain an ergonomic and safe environment. The charging station allows you to recharge batteries by placing a shuttle's two battery cassettes into a drawer, which automatically charges them once the drawer is closed.

Remote Control

Simple and straightforward, each remote control gives commands to the shuttle it is paired with using one-touch features to load, unload and shuffle pallets. The remote is easily operated in cold storage operations and can be used when wearing thick gloves.

Radioshuttle Connect

The Radioshuttle Connect displays and receives real-time information from the shuttle and can send all the same commands as the remote control.

Radioshuttle Rail

The patented Radioshuttle Rail features a wide-top opening, allowing the operator to quickly and easily load the shuttle into the structure. This high-strength rail and the shuttle's poly wheels guarantee a structure that can last for decades.